Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 7

Wow term 4 has flown by! Already it is Week 7 and we have achieved so much. All the children are very excited that it is the 1st of December. Summer is here and Santa is only 25 sleeps away! The class countdown has begun.

We have been busy practising for our Junior Syndicate production. This will be held at the school of music on 8th and 9th of December. Families are most welcome to attend, bring the grandparents and friends. This will be a gold coin donation to cover the cost of the hall. Our class have joined with room ten and will be presenting The Tadpole Rag. This is about the life cycle of a frog. We are all looking forward to this as for many of us it will be our first performance!

We have completed a mini investigations into the life cycle of Frogs and we have been lucky to have had Skye bring in some tadpoles for us to feed and care for over these last few weeks of school.

In maths we have been looking at lots of 2d and 3d shapes. This has been lots of fun. We have looked at different shapes within our school buildings and around our classroom environment. We have had a lot of fun drawing various shapes on the concrete surrounding our room and have also been investigating these shapes by using them in Christmas decorations.

In Art we have been completing some fabulous weaving and sewing with Sam! I would like to take this opportunity to thanks the parents who have given up their time to help during these art sessions as without your help this would have been a hard task to complete.

Over the next couple of weeks we have lots of extremely exciting activities planned including our Junior Syndicate Big Day Out, where we will travel to Tahuna Beach, ride on the Miniature Trains, bounce to our hearts content on the Bouncy Castles, make Sand Sculptures’, feast on a picnic lunch and play on the lions play ground before returning to school for a fabulous surprise!!!!

We look forward to sharing this with many of you!

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