Information for new parents

Room 12A General Information

Kia ora,

This is a news letter to advise you of some general information that will affect you and your child. I will be available to meet with you in the mornings from 8.30 and most days after school if you have any questions or matters to discuss personally. If the matter is of a more private issue please do not hesitate to make an appointment with me, I am more than happy to accommodate your needs. I look forward to working with you and your child more closely throughout the year.


Children will bring home a library book of their choice on Thursdays. This can be kept at home and shared with the family during the week. Please return this on, or before the following Thursday. A new library book can only be issued when the previous one has been returned.


The children will bring home their sounds book to practice their sounds. This will be once a week to begin with, increasing in frequency during the year. Full instructions are given at the front of these books. Additionally they will bring home a set of flash cards. These are high frequency words encountered whilst reading. Instructions for these will be included with these words. Additional words will be added to this pack once children become confident with the initial selection. On Fridays the children will bring home their poetry books, these poems are linked to our weekly classroom programme. Children will also bring home their published writing books to share some of their work with you once a week.


It would be extremely helpful if your child’s clothes, shoes, water bottles, lunch boxes are labelled with their name and room number. As you can imagine it becomes difficult at times when there is a large number of belongings left behind with no names. There will be a class lost property box located on the deck area during school hours if there are unclaimed items.

News Items

As part of our oral language programme we will be having shared news on most days. Suitable items the children can bring would be post cards, photos, a small toy, some writing or drawing they have done at home, something they have found in the natural environment etc. Please encourage your child to bring something different, rather than the same object every time. It is not essential that your child brings in an object; simply describing an experience will be sufficient.

Whole School Assemblies

These are held every second Monday at 10am in Trinity Hall you are Welcome to attend any of these, although if your child is receiving an award or doing a presentation of their work/achievements I will notify you prior to this happening.

School Lunches

We are encouraging healthy waste free lunch boxes. This means we would like to see nutritious food items in children’s lunches. The duty teacher on at lunch time always recommends children eat fruit, sandwiches, yoghurts etc before chips and packaged snacks. It would be awesome to just see water in drink bottles please. A good way to get children enjoying their healthy lunch options is to get them involved in making them. If you need information or ideas for Healthy lunch options please visit


Wednesday is going to be my release day. Unless I am off site for professional development I will always be around to deal with any issues that arise. I will use this day for assessment and planning. While I am out of the class Sam will be teaching room 12a. She is a familiar face around the school and often teaches in the other classes in Kowhai Syndicate.

Parent Help

If you are available for parent help this is always appreciated. There is often pasting in of children’s work or odd jobs that can be completed, or help with small group work etc. Feel free to advise me if there are times when you are available. If we are intending to go on any field trips I will send home a permission slip with a separate parent help form attached.