Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Term 4!

Room 12A has been busy little beavers this term and we are only in week 4!  We have many exciting things planned for the coming weeks and we look forward to sharing some of these events with you! 

Over the last few weeks we have been involved in a "Keeping Ourselves Safe" unit, where one of the local police officers John Donavan has been coming into our class and discussing some topics with us. We are all thoroughly enjoying these activities. 

We have also been learning about “Sun safety” We all now know about Slip, Slop, Slap and wrap and have been making great choices about the clothing we are wearing to school so we are all kept safe from the sun. We have also learnt that having small amounts of sun is important for our body, as vitamin D helps keep our body healthy, so it is about making correct healthy choices!

We are currently practising the first songs for our end of year production. We will be performing this in front of our parents and caregivers in December so we have a lot of organising to do before then. If you are available to help with costumes and set design please feel free to talk to Lynley or Lesley about this.

As a class we have been participating in Grass Hooper Tennis coaching. We have done this every week for 4 weeks and have learnt skills using a tennis racket and tennis ball. We have all developed our hand eye coordination but at times have found this difficult. We have showed great persistence and enjoyed the challenge!

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