Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 7

Wow term 4 has flown by! Already it is Week 7 and we have achieved so much. All the children are very excited that it is the 1st of December. Summer is here and Santa is only 25 sleeps away! The class countdown has begun.

We have been busy practising for our Junior Syndicate production. This will be held at the school of music on 8th and 9th of December. Families are most welcome to attend, bring the grandparents and friends. This will be a gold coin donation to cover the cost of the hall. Our class have joined with room ten and will be presenting The Tadpole Rag. This is about the life cycle of a frog. We are all looking forward to this as for many of us it will be our first performance!

We have completed a mini investigations into the life cycle of Frogs and we have been lucky to have had Skye bring in some tadpoles for us to feed and care for over these last few weeks of school.

In maths we have been looking at lots of 2d and 3d shapes. This has been lots of fun. We have looked at different shapes within our school buildings and around our classroom environment. We have had a lot of fun drawing various shapes on the concrete surrounding our room and have also been investigating these shapes by using them in Christmas decorations.

In Art we have been completing some fabulous weaving and sewing with Sam! I would like to take this opportunity to thanks the parents who have given up their time to help during these art sessions as without your help this would have been a hard task to complete.

Over the next couple of weeks we have lots of extremely exciting activities planned including our Junior Syndicate Big Day Out, where we will travel to Tahuna Beach, ride on the Miniature Trains, bounce to our hearts content on the Bouncy Castles, make Sand Sculptures’, feast on a picnic lunch and play on the lions play ground before returning to school for a fabulous surprise!!!!

We look forward to sharing this with many of you!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Term 4!

Room 12A has been busy little beavers this term and we are only in week 4!  We have many exciting things planned for the coming weeks and we look forward to sharing some of these events with you! 

Over the last few weeks we have been involved in a "Keeping Ourselves Safe" unit, where one of the local police officers John Donavan has been coming into our class and discussing some topics with us. We are all thoroughly enjoying these activities. 

We have also been learning about “Sun safety” We all now know about Slip, Slop, Slap and wrap and have been making great choices about the clothing we are wearing to school so we are all kept safe from the sun. We have also learnt that having small amounts of sun is important for our body, as vitamin D helps keep our body healthy, so it is about making correct healthy choices!

We are currently practising the first songs for our end of year production. We will be performing this in front of our parents and caregivers in December so we have a lot of organising to do before then. If you are available to help with costumes and set design please feel free to talk to Lynley or Lesley about this.

As a class we have been participating in Grass Hooper Tennis coaching. We have done this every week for 4 weeks and have learnt skills using a tennis racket and tennis ball. We have all developed our hand eye coordination but at times have found this difficult. We have showed great persistence and enjoyed the challenge!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Term 3 2010

We have reached the last week of Term 3 and we have had such a great term but I think the children are ready for a holiday! It is a big time for them making the transition from Pre- Schools and other Child Care facilities into School and with so much learning taking place they are all looking a little bit tired.

We have had a lot of fun exploring Liquids, Solids and Gases for the past 5 weeks. We have made Jelly, Piklets, and Pop Corn and Ice and we have also completed different experiments to see how things change when we add water or heat and cool them. Under the children’s work section you can see one of the lessons we completed in ICT using the Inspirations Program. The children have categorised different objects under the 3 headings. The children have done a great job both using the new program and categorising.

We have been involved in a Football training program through the Nelson Football association. We attended 4 half hour sessions with our coach Jordan. During these times we learnt kicking and dribbling skills and participated in various games and activities. We had so much fun!!! A number of us have now joined Junior Football on the weekends!... Good luck to those who have.

I huge thank you to those families and friends that made it to the Folk Dancing extravaganza the children thoroughly enjoyed sharing all their hard work with you! I will put up some photos of this shortly.

See you all next Term and enjoy the holidays!!!

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wow time sure does fly when you’re having fun!

We have had a great time and have been very busy doing lots of fun things.

We participated in a Fire Wise unit where we learnt what to do in a fire. We discussed with our families where a suitable meeting place would be encase there was ever a fire at our home. We made sure this Safe Meeting place was well away from any dangers and made sure our whole family new where to go. We also learnt to Get Down, Get Low and Get Out, fire spreads VERY quickly and smoke raises. At the end of our unit the local fire men brought their truck down for us all to look at. We even got to hop inside at look at all of their special equipment and hoses.

Friday 20th August was Pyjama Day. We all came to school in our pyjamas, which felt really strange! We were raising money for an Orphanage in Cambodia. It was a lot of fun. Some children also took part in a Food For Thought challenge. These children ate food that the children would in the Orphanage. This mainly consisted of Rice, Egg and some Fruit and Veggies. The children were very hungry and couldn’t imagine eating like that everyday!

We are currently investigating Changing States of Matter. We are exploring how things change when they are heated and cooled and have been classifying Solids, Liquids and Gases. We even made Jelly! We watched the crystals (Solid) change into a liquid when we added boiling water, then it changed back into a solid when we cooled in down in the fridge. IT WAS YUM TO EAT!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kia ora!! Welcome to Term 3 and what a busy and exciting term we have planned! We have many upcoming events that the children are going to enjoy and with our numbers continuing to grow over the coming weeks we will be welcoming many new friends into Room 12A.

During weeks 1 and 2 we have been very lucky to have visited Victoria and Harold the Giraffe in the Life Education Bus. This is a classroom on wheels that travels from school to school delivering Health programmes to children in new and exciting ways. Room 12A were involved in a programme based on keeping ourselves and our friends’ safe in and out of the play ground. We were also lucky to meet one of Victoria’s friends Tam; she is a mannequin who has all of her internal organs visible. This helped the children learn where abouts our Hearts, Lungs, and Intestines sit in our body. The children really enjoyed making the organs light up!

Thanks for visiting, we look forward to sharing of news and learning from firewise week next week!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Painting with Sam!

On Wednesday the 16th we had our first day with Sam in our class. We all thoroughly enjoyed having her teach us and we all helped her to get to know the routines in room 12A. During our afternoons with Sam we will be doing lots of exciting forms of Art work. This week we tried mixing Primary colours. We learnt that mixing Yellow and Red make Orange; Yellow and Blue make Green and Blue and Red make Purple! We really enjoyed painting with our hands and managed to not get it all over our new classroom.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our lovely first week!

Wow, what a fantastic first week we have had together in room 12a! As well as getting to know all of our daily routines we have been doing lots of fun things in and out of the classroom. The children will and have found the transition from kindergarten/pre school and or home life to school life very tiresome but are all beginning to settle into school life well..

We have just started an Inquiry unit on Magnets. To begin this we were lucky to have a parent who is also a Science teacher come in and do a presentation. We joined up with room 10 for this and the children were able to experiment with different kinds of metals and magnets. We had so much fun exploring and discovering!

Our friends in room 12a have also been learning about Matariki. We have read some stories and created art work which we have displayed in our room. To celebrate the beginning of this we had a shared lunch with the rest of the Kowhai Syndicate and then we had a lovely afternoon together participating in a range of Maori activities. We learnt some Waiata and the Rakau Sticks , made a print picture of the 7 Stars of Matariki and played some traditional Maori Games. We have some photos to share with you!

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