Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Term 3 2010

We have reached the last week of Term 3 and we have had such a great term but I think the children are ready for a holiday! It is a big time for them making the transition from Pre- Schools and other Child Care facilities into School and with so much learning taking place they are all looking a little bit tired.

We have had a lot of fun exploring Liquids, Solids and Gases for the past 5 weeks. We have made Jelly, Piklets, and Pop Corn and Ice and we have also completed different experiments to see how things change when we add water or heat and cool them. Under the children’s work section you can see one of the lessons we completed in ICT using the Inspirations Program. The children have categorised different objects under the 3 headings. The children have done a great job both using the new program and categorising.

We have been involved in a Football training program through the Nelson Football association. We attended 4 half hour sessions with our coach Jordan. During these times we learnt kicking and dribbling skills and participated in various games and activities. We had so much fun!!! A number of us have now joined Junior Football on the weekends!... Good luck to those who have.

I huge thank you to those families and friends that made it to the Folk Dancing extravaganza the children thoroughly enjoyed sharing all their hard work with you! I will put up some photos of this shortly.

See you all next Term and enjoy the holidays!!!

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wow time sure does fly when you’re having fun!

We have had a great time and have been very busy doing lots of fun things.

We participated in a Fire Wise unit where we learnt what to do in a fire. We discussed with our families where a suitable meeting place would be encase there was ever a fire at our home. We made sure this Safe Meeting place was well away from any dangers and made sure our whole family new where to go. We also learnt to Get Down, Get Low and Get Out, fire spreads VERY quickly and smoke raises. At the end of our unit the local fire men brought their truck down for us all to look at. We even got to hop inside at look at all of their special equipment and hoses.

Friday 20th August was Pyjama Day. We all came to school in our pyjamas, which felt really strange! We were raising money for an Orphanage in Cambodia. It was a lot of fun. Some children also took part in a Food For Thought challenge. These children ate food that the children would in the Orphanage. This mainly consisted of Rice, Egg and some Fruit and Veggies. The children were very hungry and couldn’t imagine eating like that everyday!

We are currently investigating Changing States of Matter. We are exploring how things change when they are heated and cooled and have been classifying Solids, Liquids and Gases. We even made Jelly! We watched the crystals (Solid) change into a liquid when we added boiling water, then it changed back into a solid when we cooled in down in the fridge. IT WAS YUM TO EAT!!!